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3 مشترك

    Free Java Games and Applications Resizer, For Nokia S60 pla


    المشاركات : 3164
    نقاط التمييز : 0
    البلد : Free Java Games and Applications Resizer, For Nokia S60 pla YyN01312
    مزاجي : Free Java Games and Applications Resizer, For Nokia S60 pla Pi-ca-10

    Free Java Games and Applications Resizer, For Nokia S60 pla Empty Free Java Games and Applications Resizer, For Nokia S60 pla

    مُساهمة من طرف احمد2010 2007-08-19, 12:09 pm

    Free Java Games and Applications Resizer
    for Nokia S60 platform!

    Free Java Games and Applications Resizer, For Nokia S60 pla Cr00ho6

    This simple "hack", allows running java game developed and optimized for low resolution phones (176*208) like N70 on the high resolution phones (352*416) like N80 or phones with QVGA screens like N93 in full screen mode and its native resolution.

    Now a have a free PC software that allows editing and changing the screen resolution of Java applications/games to any of the standard S60 screen resolution, LR 176*208, QVGA 240*320 and great HR 352*416 screens.

    All you have to do is to select the select the original and desired screen resolution; select the JAR file from your computer and software will automatically make the necessary changes in the installation file.



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    المشاركات : 3164
    نقاط التمييز : 0
    البلد : Free Java Games and Applications Resizer, For Nokia S60 pla YyN01312
    مزاجي : Free Java Games and Applications Resizer, For Nokia S60 pla Pi-ca-10

    Free Java Games and Applications Resizer, For Nokia S60 pla Empty رد: Free Java Games and Applications Resizer, For Nokia S60 pla

    مُساهمة من طرف احمد2010 2007-08-19, 12:10 pm

    اسف لأنى لم اجد شرح لها بالعربي
    abdo mavrakis
    abdo mavrakis

    المشاركات : 1670
    نقاط التمييز : 0
    البلد : Free Java Games and Applications Resizer, For Nokia S60 pla YyN01312

    Free Java Games and Applications Resizer, For Nokia S60 pla Empty رد: Free Java Games and Applications Resizer, For Nokia S60 pla

    مُساهمة من طرف abdo mavrakis 2007-08-27, 10:48 pm

    مشكور على الموضوع
    عضو واعد
    عضو واعد

    المشاركات : 195
    نقاط التمييز : 5

    Free Java Games and Applications Resizer, For Nokia S60 pla Empty رد: Free Java Games and Applications Resizer, For Nokia S60 pla

    مُساهمة من طرف pirlo 2007-09-07, 9:53 pm

    لم افهم شي

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو 2024-07-03, 9:17 pm