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    Category Management in Procurement Course

    كريم الجبالي
    عضو واعد
    عضو واعد

    المشاركات : 99
    نقاط التمييز : 5
    البلد : Category Management in Procurement Course Eg10

    Category Management in Procurement Course Empty Category Management in Procurement Course

    مُساهمة من طرف كريم الجبالي 2016-03-29, 8:33 am

    Qspace center for training and development in Doha, Qatar announces  the  start of the registration For :
    Category Management in Procurement Course
    The Course
    This new approach maximizes value from procurement by combining traditional techniques, with newer tools, techniques and approaches. We will give an understanding of the Category Management methodology with the necessary working knowledge of how this approach can be used, and is now being used, by World Class companies.
    This seminar shows how Category Management maximises value from procurement by integrating supplier sourcing, supplier management, supplier development and supplier relationships management.
    Effective Category Management of procurement and the supply chain can create economic profit for World Class supply chains; we will also demonstrate how this can be achieved.
    The Goals
    ·         Apply a thorough understanding of supply chain activities
    ·         Identify, analyse and evaluate procurement opportunities
    ·         Understand the keys aspects in category management
    ·         Use tools and techniques
    ·         Make procurement and supply chain organisational improvements
    - For any further details about the time, cost and the place of helding the course, please don't hesitate contact me.
    Best regards.
    Kareem Al-Gibaly
    Training & Development Co-ordinator
    Qspace Training & Development
    P.O.Box 534 Doha
    Al Ezz 4 Tower, Al Alia St, Slata
    Mobile/What'sapp: +201096566950
    Email: kareem@qspacetraining.com

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو 2024-07-01, 7:55 pm